My Life....

My daily life things.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Oasis - One day Gathering

Hi, I am really happy to tell you that we are conducting a one day gathering, for the first time in MEC. I welcome you for our one day gathering 'Oasis' on December 6th 2009 at Cardinal HSS Thrikkakara (Click on the map). Please click on the Invitation for more details. Hope to see you at Oasis.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Handling entrusted Secrets

After so much of birthday celebration. I did a thing today, I revealed personal conversation with one of my friend to another friend. Later I had to tell the former that I revealed his personal matter. He broke up with me. I had nothing but well being of 1st friend in my mind, situation was like only second friend can solve the problem of the first.

Whatever I say, I broke the trust of my friend.

I shouldn't have done that. Whatever good be the consequence, I should not have revealed a secret entrusted upon me. I know nothing can pay the penance. I was taught to get into another's shoe. Where I went wrong is, how I handled it. I shouldn't have revealed his secret.

I don't know what to do. I am thinking about, how to handle such situations.

Different B'day Experience

I just had the most expensive birthday of my life yet. On and around last 15th. I mean my FRIEND'S expense + MINE totaled a big amount.

Usually my birthdays were celebrated with my family, and (for last 5 years) my neighbor anand and his sister. Celebrations usually included payasam and nice foodings. My best best friends from school used to come to my home in the evening, we usually talk a lot and have payasam. When i was in high school I distributed sweets in my class. And (very) rarely I received birthday cards. This was how my birthdays went, simple and humble (and cheap too).

This time, It was very different.
On 14th midnight at 12.30am , my classmate Praveen and a batch mate Tinu came to my house with a birthday cake and a card. Since the gate was locked they jumped over it. The rang the calling bell and everyone woke up. I was sleeping deep due to the sedation of medicines. They had hinted about their arrival to my dad earlier. We cut the cake, they sang the birthday song, and we spent some time talking and eating :) . They left soon. I slept again.
In the morning at 6am my dad woke me up and I received a call from Mathews Peter (my junior). He wished me and asked me where i am. He asked me to come out and then I saw the second surprise. There was my Prayer Group's Core Team members Indu, Dayana, Pretty and Mathews. They sang birthday song, when i went to open the gates. We talked for some time and I went to get ready to go for morning mass. Dayana prayer for me on behalf of all. I cut the cake we spent some more time for eating :) . We went to 6.30 mass together. I did my confession. After the mass we discussed many things regarding our Prayer Group.
I am assigned the General Coordinator of Professional Gathering of March 2009. So I had to go for a meeting regarding that at Berly Chaettan's House. The team members planned to meet together at Edapally Toll and have lunch together and then go to Berly Chaettan's house together. Luch became my treat at KR Restaurant. We were 8 people(Mithun Chaettan, Robin Chaettan, Jinto Chaettan, Rony Chaettan, Priezy Chaechi, Sonia Chaechi, Pretty and me). We then started to Berly Chaettan's House, when I noticed a cake packet with Robin Chaettan. We had the discussion regarding the program at Berly Chaettans house and I cut the next cake :D. We spent some time eating.
By this time 2 of my best friends (Gijo & Arun) reached home despite their exams after 1 day. They came a little earlier than they said. Unfortunately they had to go back before I reached home. But they had the cake and payasam which my mom prepared.
I reached back home and after some time Vijay (another best friend) came in(without knowing that gijo n pvc came n left earlier). He wished me, had the payasam n cake and left soon as he was too late after the film he saw (despite the exams after 1 day :D).
My parents had bought a birthday cake the day before that day. Since I cut 3 cakes already, I didnt cut that cake...:-). Me too had a lot of payasam n cake with my family.
I got a lot of calls, messages and scraps too. Thus 15th was over, but the expense did't stopped.
Next day I was called for a film by my classmates. Its been 2.5 years since I entered the college, But I never went to a film with my college mates (Usually I'll have Jesus Youth Team meetings or something else). So I asked for permission from dad and went for the film Dosthana (I was hearing that name for the first time). The movie went fine, But I had a running nose. After the film my friends (Arbind, Anand, Ashly, Preeti, Suvarnna and her brother Sharan) demanded a treat. The common opinion converged towards Pizza Hut. I preferred something else as I had 4 Pure Vegetarian Brahmins with me. In the end we started towards Pizza Hut. When we reached parking lot, we realised that Anands helmet is stolen :( . We decided to buy one on they way. I stopped at the next ATM counter since going to pizza hut with 100 rs is too foolish. We had a Vegetarian Pizza and Coke. By the time, my friends informed the service men without my knowledge, that its my birthday. So they came with a scoop of Icecream with a lit candle on it. They asked me to stand on a chair ( I think they are over confident about the strength of their chairs). They asked me to scream out my name and that its my birthday and what I m doing now. I did so. The asked me to blow off the candle without bending. I did so in the first go itself ( I can store a lot of air in my lungs u know). They all wished me and left. Then came the bill. Pizza was good but Coke broke my Heart (Rs 35 per glass :-( ). Luckly I had 20 Rs in my purse after bill and tip. I've not told this story to my mom as she would kill me. The reason for which is given below.
Expense in not over yet, We have a prayer meeting at my church, Led by Rony (who was in my lunch treat). After the prayer meeting he called everyone to gather round a cake. I knew it was intended for me. Luckily I didnt had to cut the cake alone (There was another guy, Jaimon, who had his birthday on Nov 5th).
Thus me and my friends spent a lot of money on my 20th birthday. I should admit that it was totally different from all my previous birthdays, but it was a bit more expensite (thats ok, its only some times na) and celbrations was a bit too much (Which I didn't like much)

My mom don't like celebrating Birthdays too much. At her times, 20th birthday was considered a big day. But unluckly, my mom had to spent her 20th birthday at hospital in lot for suffering, with noone (exept her mom) to look after her and in lack of money. (She had some intestinal growth, which needed a big treatment at that time. And her family was of 9 children). So I have told her the last two incidents. I fear if she would fire me if she hear that the Pizza Hut people sang birthday song and made me blow candles in public. I should tell her in proper time and situation.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My first blog and post

Today I started my first ever blog account. This being the first post. I've heard the word 'blog' several times in my life hitherto. But its only recently that I understood what the thing is. I remember my friend Kailash Nadh B N once sending me a zip file containing the php codes of a blog he created. I opened the files and saw nothing but program source code similar to c/cpp. I knew nothing about php and how to test run it at that time. Hope I'd have a good blogging experience.
